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I often looked forward to the day book entries every week. I also looked forward to the blog entries. Overall, I liked having the wix site to post my learning. This section shows some of my favorite assingments and entries. Throughout the semester, I completed many assignments that helped me grow as a wriiter. Doing these entries and assignments showed me many things. This semester, I learned about the importance of keeping track of things that I've written. I have also had to consider the importance of writing different kinds of things. This semester, I wrote lists, blog entries, bulleted points, narratives, and other things. As a writer, it's important to be familiar with different kinds of writing, so that you can identify different kinds and so that you can write in different ways. This semester, I learned that good writers are versatile. I learned that good writing can cover a plethora of perspectives and that it should. 

critical thinking:

making connections

This piece of writing shows how I had to think about a quote critically and apply my on analysis. I enjoyed this entry because for me, it highlighted the importance of critical thinkinging. Critical Thinking is important to the kind of writing that I like to do because it gets to real issues or main points.



For this entry, I had to think about think about the other times I've done portfolios in other classes. I made connections to the time that I did a portfolio in English 1101. I also completed various portfolios in high school. 

questioned something

Click here for link to my blog entry.


I literally had to ask myself what I knew about the process of transitioning. The inquiry project was supposed to be about something you didn't have prior knowledge about. I thought that I knew many things going into the project. This blog entry is significant to asking questions because as you can see, I didn't use the sources I thought that I would use.

collaborated with others

This assignment is an example of dialectic learning. I had to think about what connections that someone else made and come up with my own thoughts on what the topic was. This assignment was about audience. After seeing what my classmate thought, I put both of our ideas together.

moment of learning

Click here for the blog entry.


This is an example of when I first started the inquiry project. I learned so much from many of the articles I found on HuffPost. I think using a variety of sources to learn from is good so that you can assess a variety of perspectives. 

Click here for the other blog entry. 


This is an example of when I first started the inquiry project. I learned so much from many of the articles I found on HuffPost. I think using a variety of sources to learn from is good so that you can assess a variety of perspectives. 

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